Thursday, 3 September 2015

Trip to the local Sikh temple.

Here are a few photos from our wonderful trip to the Sikh temple up the road for a talk about the Sikh culture and a delicious lunch.

Yesterday we walked to the temple. First we took off our shoes. Next we lined up and we put on an orange scarf to show respect. Raj talked to us for 1 hour. 

After that we walked down stairs and sat down. We ate rice and curry. The rice smelled like our normal rice. When we finished our food we said a big thank you for giving us food. We went to put on our shoes and got ready to walk back to school.

By Christian

In the temple we had to wear a scarf on our head. When we cover our head it is a sign of respect. I wore a sari. It is a sort of dress. 

The temple was as gold as coin. They told us all about their culture. I learned they can't cut their hair. On their right hand they can't steal because they have a bracelet that's sort of their god. It was made out of steel. 

They had the yummiest food ever. They had rice, dhal and best off all roti. 

By Ashley


  1. Great story Asley fromkarla

  2. This is an interesting entry in your blog. I usually go to the Temple with our classes visit but I was not at school that day and missed out. I know that Raj is always pleased to see our students and I know he gives an interesting talk. I also know the food is delicious. I certainly hope I can go on our next school visit to the Temple.
    From Mr Thew

  3. I like your smile ashley
