Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Yet More - Who Am I?s

I am an 8 year old boy. I am a New Zealand person. I have short, black hair. My eyes are big, blue and cool. I have soft, smooth, tan skin. My lips are as pink as a prawn. My head is as hard as iron. My tongue is as red as your blood. I have birth marks on my back. I am as tall as a zebra.

I am shy when it comes to meeting new people. My favourite thing to do is going to Kiwi Yo. I like to play with my friend. I also love animals. I like doing front flips, cartwheels and handstands. I am a playing person. I am a fast runner.

I am a 7 year old girl.

I am an Indian. My parents are from Fiji.
My earrings are shiny as pearls.
My eyes are black, small and shiny.
I have soft light brown skin.
I like doing handstands.

I am smart.

I like writing lots of words.
I like drinking hot chocolate and milk.
My favourite is ice-blocks and ice-creams.

I have sparkly, brown eyes and dark black, short hair. I am 7 years old. My tan skin is smooth and sort of rough like the mat. I am medium height. 

I am a sporty. I'm a friendly boy and a bit chatty. 

I am good at cricket, rugby and touch. I am a New Zealander. I love to read and I love to read chapter books. I love to climb trees. For desert my favourite is icecream with chocolate chips. I am pretty strong and I get annoyed when people get chatty.

Can you recognise me?

I am a 6 year old boy.

My parents come from Fiji.
I was born in New Zealand. 
My skin is light brown.
My eyes are big, shiny and dark brown coloured.
My hair is black, short and spiky. 
I am tall.
I am a sporty person.
I am kind to my cousin.
I am a runner.
My hands hold everything.

I am an 8 year old boy. 

My mum and dad come from India. 
My eyes are small and brown. 
I've got short, black, curly hair. 
I have soft and light brown skin. 

I am quite tired when I wake up. 

My favourite dessert is ice-cream. 
I like cheetahs because they are the fastest animal. 
I like to play cricket with my dad and sister.

I am a seven year old girl. I am a New Zealander. My skin is soft, smooth brown. My eyes are brown, beautiful and big. My head is round, my hair is curly and I have a fringe. I am tall, big and skinny.

I 'm scared of heights and meerkats. I'm good at riding my bike with no training wheels. I like to eat candy and ice cream. I love animal books and animals. I am lazy and like watching movies. Me and my family love to play netball.

I am a 7 year old girl. I am Maori, Samoan and New Zealaner. I have long, brown hair. My eyes are big,brown and sparkly. They are beautiful too. I have cuts, scratches and scars, because I like climbing trees and playing on my scooter. My nose is chubby and strong like metal.

I'm smart and good at maths. I like reading animal books. My favourite animal is the Tasmanian Devil. I have a pet fish. His name is Michelle.

I am an 8 year old boy.

I am brown and I am a Fijian. 
My mum and dad come from Fiji.
I have spiky hair and I am fast.
My eyes are dark. 
My hair is black.
I am good at maths.
Who am I?


  1. I like my who am i jaelyn

  2. I loved to read Felix's description of himself in his Who Am I story. Great descriptin of himself and it sounded so happy. Great work Felix, Love Mum xo
