Long, long ago two tribes were enemies. One was called Turehu and one called Patupaiarehe. The Turehu had red hair and green eyes. The Patupaiarehe had blonde hair and blue eyes. In one team there was a prince and in the other was a princess. Did you know that the Patupaiarehe had rakau to fight with and the Turehu had patu to fight with?
When the prince went to get some ika, tuna, kina and a pipi from the awa, a beautiful princess arrived. The prince said, "Oh my gosh, you look so pretty!" The princess gave a giggle. Then slowly the princess came and said, "Can I come with you to your team?" The prince said, "Yes!"
When the Patupaiarehe found out they quickly told chief Waitakeri that the Turehu had stolen their princess. The Patupaiarehe got their rakau ready and practiced their fighting. Soon the Turehu did the same thing. When they met face to face, they started to fight.
Soon the ground started to shake. It was Mataaho, the atua of the earth. The atua got so angry that he made two maunga and said, "You have to stop fighting and be friends". When Mataaho went away they decided to let the prince and princess get married. The enemies became best friends. The prince and princess had babies and they lived happily ever after.